State ministry director Affendi Rajini Kanth said in the first raid at 2pm, the enforcement team inspected a sundry shop. - Pic courtesy of KPDN
State ministry director Affendi Rajini Kanth said in the first raid at 2pm, the enforcement team inspected a sundry shop. - Pic courtesy of KPDN

ALOR STAR: The Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry seized 466kg of subsidised cooking oil and 182kg of liquid petroleum gas in the two separate raids in Kulim yesterday.

State ministry director Affendi Rajini Kanth said in the first raid at 2pm, the enforcement team inspected a sundry shop.

"The business owner has a valid retail license to store essential items but upon inspecting the adjacent premises also owned by the same retailer, the team found 370 packages of 1kg subsidised cooking oil that were stored without license.

"The case is being investigated under Section 20(1) of the Control of Supplies Act 1961," he said in a statement today.

Affendi said in a follow up raid at a restaurant and catering premises also owned by the same retailer, the ministry seized 96kg of subsidised 1kg cooking oil and 13 tanks of subsidised liquid petroleum gas (LGP), equivalent to 182 kg.

He said the retailer failed to produce a license to store the subsidised essential items at the premises under the Control of Supplies Act 1961.

"The case is being investigated under Regulation 18 of the Control of Supplies Regulations (Amendment) 2021, for not having the permit to store scheduled controlled items exceeding the prescribed limit," he added.

Affendi advised all traders using and storing scheduled controlled items, especially subsidised cooking oil and liquid petroleum gas, to obtain the necessary permits.

"The total seizure across both locations amounted to 466 kg of subsidised 1kg cooking oil and 13 barrels of liquid petroleum gas, valued at RM1,510.80.

"The case has been classified under the Control of Supplies Act 1961 which carries penalties including fines up to RM1 million or imprisonment for up to three years," he added.