“The case is being investigated under Section 506 of the Penal Code and Section 323 of the Penal Code for the offence of criminal intimidation and causing injury.” - NSTP file pic, for illustration purposes only
“The case is being investigated under Section 506 of the Penal Code and Section 323 of the Penal Code for the offence of criminal intimidation and causing injury.” - NSTP file pic, for illustration purposes only

KOTA BELUD: An unemployed man who was issued a summons threatened and attacked a traffic police here yesterday.

District police chief superintendent Shahruddin Mat Husain said the incident happened at 10.55am when a policeman was on an operation.

He said the 22-year-old man did not renew his motor vehicle licence, insurance and road tax.

"Investigation found that when the summons was issued, he had recorded the incident using a smartphone and the police reprimanded the suspect for his actions.

"However, the suspect became angry and threatened to kill the police," he said.

Shahruddin added the policeman then calmed the suspect but the latter opened his car boot and took out an iron pipe.

While he was being arrested, the man also kicked the policeman's thigh.

"The case is being investigated under Section 506 of the Penal Code and Section 323 of the Penal Code for the offence of criminal intimidation and causing injury."

Shahruddin added that the suspect was remanded starting today for further action.