You Poh Khoon, 52, was charged with murdering You Su Kim, 74, between 9.30am and 1.30pm at their home in Kanthan Baru on Oct 9. - NSTP/Abdullah Yusof
You Poh Khoon, 52, was charged with murdering You Su Kim, 74, between 9.30am and 1.30pm at their home in Kanthan Baru on Oct 9. - NSTP/Abdullah Yusof

IPOH: The Magistrate's Court here today charged an unemployed man with the murder of his father earlier this month.

You Poh Khoon, 52, was accused of murdering You Su Kim, 74, between 9.30am and 1.30pm at their home in Kanthan Baru near here on Oct 9.

He was charged under Section 302 of the Penal Code, which carries the mandatory death penalty upon conviction.

The charge was filed by the prosecuting officer from the Royal Malaysia Police, Assistant Superintendent Zuraidah Mohd Noor before Magistrate Siti Hafiza Jaafar.

The accused nodded his head to acknowledge that he understood the charge read to him by a court interpreter.

However, no plea was recorded and the accused was not granted bail.

The court then ordered the accused to be sent to Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta for a month and set Nov 16 for mention of the case.

The NSTP reported that the remains of Su Kim were found in a 1.5-metre deep sewage tank and a hole that was dug up behind his home.

The dreadful discovery was made by the victim's daughter after noticing blood on a mattress, pillow and wall of You's house.

The victim's head was also severed in the incident.

According to police, a neighbour had informed of hearing the son and the victim arguing the night before.

A long machete measuring about 0.6 metres, believed to have been used to chop up the victim, was also recovered.

The suspect was believed to have acted in a vicious manner after his father repeatedly scolded him for taking syabu in the house.

Police also believe the suspect was under the influence of drugs when he allegedly murdered his father.

Police had said the victim's hands, legs and head were buried in a hole, believed to have been dug up by the suspect.