SANDAKAN: A man here was sentenced to two years’ jail and three strokes of the cane for violently beating up his stepfather with a plank of wood when he refused to give him RM2.

Magistrate Faelly Jeffrey Lanjungan meted out the punishment on Monday after Nur Arif Aripin, 31, pleaded guilty to the charge under Section 324 of the Penal Code “for voluntarily causing hurt by using dangerous weapons or means.”

Faelly ordered the jail sentence to commence from the date of arrest on Sept 23 last year, and for Nur Arif to be referred to the Immigration Court after serving his jail term.

According to the facts of the case, Nur Arif had on Sept 23 used a wooden plank to beat his 60-year-old stepfather at a house at Jambatan 5, Kampung Forest Sandakan.

He committed the act after his stepfather refused to give him RM2 to buy instant noodles and an egg.

The stepfather was left seriously injured, and neighbours rushed him to the Duchess of Kent Hospital for treatment.

Fellow villagers also nabbed Nur Arif before handing him, along with the weapon he used in the attack, to police on the same day.