Housewife K L Soh, 50, (second from left), Parti Cinta Malaysia vice-president Datuk Huan Cheng Guan and other party members (third from left) talking to the press outside the Penang assembly hall today. Pix by Ramdzan Masiam/ NSTP
Housewife K L Soh, 50, (second from left), Parti Cinta Malaysia vice-president Datuk Huan Cheng Guan and other party members (third from left) talking to the press outside the Penang assembly hall today. Pix by Ramdzan Masiam/ NSTP

GEORGE TOWN: A disabled woman vented her anger against the state government outside the state legislative assembly hall today over an alleged violation of a low-medium cost (LMC) house ruling.

Housewife KL Soh, 50, who owns a unit on the sixth floor of Centrio Avenue LMC in Bukit Gambier, claimed the local administration failed to address her complaint concerning her neighbour’s unit’s conversion into a homestay centre without a valid operating license.

Soh, whose right leg is impaired, took a swipe at the state government for allegedly turning a blind eye to the matter and allowing short-term guests to illegally rent her neighbour’s unit.

In Penang, all low-cost and LMC units are allocated for full-time residents only and cannot be rented out.

"The state government should allocate LMC units to eligible parties only, as tens of thousands of applicants are on the waiting list.

"My complaints to the premises management and state authority have been ignored since December last year. Is this inaction an example of the much-preached competency, accountability and transparency mantra of the administration?

“I don’t think so.

"There is no sense of security (in my building). The people (staying next door) are changing from time to time and have been rowdy in their behaviour," she told reporters at the main entrance of the August House.

Soh also said the renters make excessive noise and throw garbage into the hallway of the sixth floor.

She was accompanied by Parti Cinta Malaysia vice-president Datuk Huan Cheng Guan and other party members.

Soh handed over a memorandum to a state government official before leaving the compound.

In an immediate response, State Housing, Town and Country Planning committee chairman Jagdeep Singh Deo said the current laws do not prevent property owners from renting out their units to third parties.

He said he will seek legal advice from the federal housing authorities on the matter.