Penang Gerakan secretary Oh Tong Keong (right) with Penang BN youth chief, Hng Chee Wey (right) show documents pertaining to development in Taman Manggis, George Town. Pix by Amir Irsyad Omar
Penang Gerakan secretary Oh Tong Keong (right) with Penang BN youth chief, Hng Chee Wey (right) show documents pertaining to development in Taman Manggis, George Town. Pix by Amir Irsyad Omar

GEORGE TOWN: Second phase of homes for poor in Taman Manggis, Penang was approved in 2003, Gerakan said today.

State Gerakan secretary Oh Tong Keong said the previous government had approved a new block of the Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) project due to high demand.

"We have proof, there was a memorandum from the State Housing and Local Government director stating that an additional 14-floor block has been approved.

"After Gerakan lost in 2008, the DAP-led government sold the land to private developers.

"By right they should have followed what have been decided for the benefit of the rakyat," he said in a press conference at the state Gerakan headquarters here today.

The contentious 0.46ha Taman Manggis land borders an existing PPR flat that was built in 2007.

A second phase was supposed to have been built, but was scrapped by the DAP Penang government as it was deemed to be too small.