Image by benzoix on Freepik.
Image by benzoix on Freepik.

DO you know anyone in your life who likes to complain? I'm sure we all do, simply because we're all human and sometimes, we are not averse to complaining. But when complaining becomes a habit, it can put one down a destructive path.

I know of a few people who display the many symptoms associated with a "chronic complainer". Most of their conversations will usually and quickly turn into a bashing session on just about anything.

These may include the bad traffic congestion they endured, or how demanding their jobs are due to heavy travel, and more. After some time, I normally find myself shutting down and planning for my escape.


It's not that I mean to be rude, but I find this kind of situation suffocating. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.

Negative words can choke our emotions, leaving us gasping for fresh air. I also have to quickly shield myself from its effects before my day is affected.

The same suffocating feeling can also affect the people around the perpetual complainer. Instead of communicating anything, they just drive others further away. Habitual complainers run a risk of pushing their colleagues away.

At home, they may even push their own children to look for escapist activities in other forms, such as online gaming, hanging out with friends or other worse undertakings.


People who are stuck on "complaining mode" don't realise the good things they have going for them. I have an acquaintance who drives a luxury car that not many can afford. Yet, he still chooses to whine about the traffic condition instead of enjoying the comfort of his car. If I were him, I'd have cranked up the presumably top-of-the-line stereo system and enjoyed the music instead. The longer the congestion, the better because I'd have more time to enjoy the songs.

Such people are also known to criticise the very thing that brings them comfort and a good life. For example, they'd complain about how cold their office is despite their cushy and high-paying job. They also criticise their travel requirements instead of thanking the employer for investing in their career growth.

At the end of the day, life is about choosing the right options. Behind any obstacle, there's always a happy choice to be made. It's just a matter of looking at it from the right perspective. And there's always two sides of the coin.

Heavy traffic presents an opportunity to enjoy music. A cold office presents an opportunity to use that neglected jacket. A noisy child just means that he/she is healthy and active, and waiting for the parents to join the fun.

The choice is ours. But complainers fail to look at the bright sides of things. They prefer to allow their negative emotions to take over.

Zaid Mohamad coaches and trains others to bring out their best while enjoying a peaceful, purposeful life. Reach him at [email protected].