THERE was a man who owned two bicycles. He seemed to prefer one bike over the other and would ride this one to work every day. Every night, he'd lock the bikes next to each other. Whenever the lights went off, the bikes would start talking to each other.

The hardly used bike seemed to be happy with its condition. It said to the other one: "Look at you. Your wheels are all muddy and dirty. Not like me, all clean and shiny." It went on to gloat about how good its life was not having to do much, but rest at home all day.

The other bike replied: "Well, what to do? The owner seems to be using me more than you. Yes, it's tiring, but you know what? My wheels have taken me everywhere. They've gotten stuck in the mud, punctured and repaired a few times. But I'm happy. I can see things I've never seen and go to places I'd never been to."

This is a great story to remind us of the benefits of working hard for children and adults alike. After all, our lives are not that different from these bikes and their wheels.


Wheels are meant to be used. Over time, the wear and tear will show. However, that's a good sign because it means that it has served its purpose. Our body goes through a similar process, and working adults are no exception.

Many employees complain about how tiring it is to take care of their job and career. But they can take comfort in the fact that their efforts aren't going to waste. A clean and clear checklist is a refreshing sight for its tired owner. A job well done will help create confident and successful jobseekers.

An unused wheel may stay clean and new, but it will not bring any benefit to anyone. It will never get stuck in the mud or experience punctures. And this means that it also never learns how to free itself from difficulties or repair itself from the damage it sustains.

People who are shielded from difficult lives aren't that different. They'll give up easily when they're faced with challenging tasks. Even if they were to take up the challenges, they may be easily discouraged by painful life experiences.

Wheels which are regularly used are constantly on the move. This is a normal part of their life cycle. This constant rotation is a necessary motion for them to move forward, and sometimes backwards.

Similarly, our wheel of life also goes through a similar motion. Be worried if it hasn't moved for some time as it may mean that we're not making any progress.

Zaid Mohamad coaches and trains others to bring out their best while enjoying a peaceful, purposeful life. Reach him at [email protected].