Over 60,000 fans were entertained by Coldplay at the Rajamangala National Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand recently. - Pic courtesy of Bilqis Bahari
Over 60,000 fans were entertained by Coldplay at the Rajamangala National Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand recently. - Pic courtesy of Bilqis Bahari
Coldplay provided fans with many memorable concert moments which was part of its ‘Music of the Spheres’ tour. - Pic courtesy of Bilqis Bahari
Coldplay provided fans with many memorable concert moments which was part of its ‘Music of the Spheres’ tour. - Pic courtesy of Bilqis Bahari

MORE than 60,000 fans at the Rajamangala National Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand, were thoroughly entertained recently by bassist Guy Berryman, guitarist Jonny Buckland, drummer Will Champion and vocalist Chris Martin of popular British rock band Coldplay.

The LED wristbands that were loaned to the audience changed colours throughout the night and added immensely to the visual splendour of the magical concert.

I sat at the high zone (Level E3 NK) and had a wonderful view of the sea of colours that unfolded during the 120-minute show that was part of the quartet's 'Music of the Spheres' tour.

The enthusiastic legion of fans had a great time singing, jumping, dancing and cheering loudly during the concert which saw the band play over 20 songs that were divided into four acts.

I had travelled from Kuala Lumpur to see Coldplay perform live on the first of the band's two-day run in Bangkok. It was exhilarating to sing along with the crowd, during the song which included the lyrics, "everything you want's a dream away".

A performance of 'Paradise' followed before Coldplay concluded the first act with 'The Scientist' that saw Martin playing on the piano while singing the song beautifully.

He greeted the audience in Thai with several phrases, including "rong duay kan" (let's sing together), before ending the last bit of 'The Scientist'.

The second act began with a rendition of 'Viva La Vida' followed by 'Hymn For The Weekend' (which originally featured US diva Beyonce) with only Martin performing on stage. Beyonce's pre-recorded vocals were accompanied by laser lights and coloured dusts.

Martin then returned onstage and welcomed fans from Thailand and all over the world — many came from China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia.

After that, he called on two fans from China who were holding a "China

This was followed by 'Charlie Brown' and a performance of the band's big hit 'Yellow' which sent the audience into a frenzy when the colour scheme changed to reflect it.

It was an amazing sight to see how Coldplay united people from all walks of life, different countries and cultures that night.

Coldplay continued its third act with 'Human Heart', a collaboration with We Are King and Jacob Collier (from ninth studio album 'Music of the Spheres'), where I realised some audience members had teared up to the moving song.

The atmosphere was upbeat again with 'People of the Pride', followed by 'Clocks' with Martin once more on the piano.

For 'Infinity Sign', 'Something Just Like This' and 'Midnight', the lads donned alien masks and all the songs featured pre-recorded vocals as Martin performed them by using hand signs.

The performance of 'My Universe' (a collaboration with international K-pop sensation BTS) showcased 3D versions of the BTS members singing in Korean on the jumbo screens.

'A Sky Full of Stars' followed by a brilliant fireworks display which lit up the heavens above the stadium before Chris said goodbye.

After thunderous screams for more, the band obliged and returned for the fourth act where the members closed it with 'Sparks', 'Fix You' and 'Biutyful'.

During this segment, Martin ad-libbed humorous lyrics while the camera focused on random audience members.

Noticing a lady who danced non-stop, Martin sang, "I see you move really wonderfully. I don't really know your age but I think you should come back tomorrow, my sister, and come and dance with us up on stage." That got the whole stadium abuzz with laughter.

Fireworks ended the amazing night in Bangkok and the surreal experience is one I will always remember.