Malayan tiger design on bags by Sometime by Asian Designers and tops by d.d. collective.
Malayan tiger design on bags by Sometime by Asian Designers and tops by d.d. collective.

Sometime by Asian Designers has launched a number of special edition Eslona sustainable canvas bags, adding that a portion of the sale will go to the Malaysian Nature Society for wildlife conservation.

The brand, known for only using synthetic leather and microfibre, released the Estela canvas bags early this year. It was its first canvas collection and inspired the brand to do more to help the environment and wildlife.

The special edition Eslona bags are incorporated with artwork of the Sumatran rhinoceros, Malayan tiger and tapir by online children’s bookstore Anak Rimba Books. The characters are also found on tops by d.d collective and accessories by Sereni & Shentel.

Sometime co-founder and head of product Nicole W says, ”I’m constantly looking for innovative ways to produce products of exceptional quality in a sustainable way. Hence, we avoid using animal skin for our leather products. 

“The canvas collection is our first step into the world of eco-friendly fashion. It gives me great pleasure to partner with Anak Rimba Books, d.d collective and Sereni & Shentel as it gives the Eslona collection a greater purpose.”

The bag by Sometime is available in beige and black and comes in two sizes, a large and a mini, and retails for RM119 and RM109 respectively. 

For more information on the collection, visit or the brand’s showroom in The Gardens Mall, Kuala Lumpur.

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